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威馬&金康領銜 40余款新車進入最新免購置稅目錄  環(huán)比下滑近25% 第11批推廣目錄入選產(chǎn)品銳減  奇點汽車攜手金康新能源 入選第313批汽車新產(chǎn)品公示  高效智能 一汽解放匠心之作J7正式上市  結束合資之路 道依茨大柴變身解放全資子公司  31省份機構改革方案出爐 大數(shù)據(jù)局最為搶眼  第314批新車公示 國能等134款新能源產(chǎn)品入選  國家嚴禁新增低速電動  氫燃料電池車目標100萬輛  小康股份擬出資48億全資控股東風小康  長安25年上市L4級智能車  零跑汽車完成20億融資  長安人事調(diào)整:周治平升任黨委書記兼總裁  大眾進行戰(zhàn)略性調(diào)整 專注跨品牌生產(chǎn)標準化  日產(chǎn)電動車:電池/電機等主要部件在華生產(chǎn)  光華科技與南京金龍簽署《戰(zhàn)略合作協(xié)議》  總投資166億 威馬汽車動力電池項目開工  十余部委密集發(fā)聲 支持民企政策將陸續(xù)出臺  市場監(jiān)管局:《反壟斷法》修訂草案已完成  上海自貿(mào)區(qū):自貿(mào)區(qū)擴區(qū)專項工作組已成立 
  國內(nèi)資訊  國際資訊  行業(yè)快訊 新能源 智能汽車 前沿技術 數(shù)據(jù)快訊  
乘用車 卡車 客車 專用車 零部件 發(fā)動機 自主品牌  
高層動態(tài) 合資合作 整合并購 戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃 出口 召回 終端市場 經(jīng)營業(yè)績 人事變動 新品上市 品牌營銷  
國際政策 國內(nèi)政策 地方政策  
經(jīng)濟指標 改革規(guī)劃 基建投資 能源環(huán)境 金融商貿(mào)    
知識術語  汽車人物  汽車展會  科研院校 人才招聘    
熱點透視 產(chǎn)銷分析 展會論壇 廠商專題    
來源:中國日報   編輯:楊煜  2018-09-25 12:07:36 字號   打印  收藏



The central government needs to help local governments widen financing channels for infrastructure spending amid intensified efforts to fend off risks. [Photo/VCG]

New system to put financing and investment by central, local govts in spotlight

The Chinese government is building a nationwide system to monitor all types of government income and expenditure under the budget, along with tightening regulations on infrastructure investment and local government debt.

The budget performance evaluation and management system will bring government-managed funds, State-owned capital and social security funds into budget management. It will expand the supervision scale to all investment and financing activities by both central and local governments, Hao Lei, deputy director of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance, told China Daily.

Guidance from the country's top-level policymakers will be issued to government departments and will be made public soon, which will clarify the targets and functions of the monitoring system. It will take around three to five years to implement the overall system, said Hao.

It will be the highest-level and most comprehensive document, to guide the government to spend money properly and effectively, focusing on the nation's key development strategies and investment, especially when fiscal revenue growth might be under pressure because of further tax cuts, said Liu Xiaochuan, executive president of the China Public Finance Institute at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

Local government debt, public-private partnership (PPP) projects and the sovereign wealth fund will all be covered by the system, according to the guidance. "Any increase in government debt exceeding the annual quota should be strictly prohibited."

The ministry is working to tighten regulation on local government debt, said Hao from the Ministry of Finance.

The guidance also tightened supervision of infrastructure investment. It said that before issuing significant economic policies or starting large investment projects, "the government departments in charge of infrastructure investment should assess the performance". The evaluation results should be reported before applying for the budget, which also highlighted that the fiscal expenditure should not be guaranteed for unapproved investment projects.

For policies and projects with serious problems, budget appropriation should be suspended or stopped. "Local government officials and officials from government departments should take lifelong responsibility for budget performance," it said.

According to the guidance, third-party agencies, such as credit rating firms, can participate in the evaluation process if necessary.

Wang Zecai, director of the General Office of the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, said that the regulation on infrastructure investment may not influence the recent acceleration in project financing, when the authorities were called on to strengthen investment and offset economic headwinds.

"Instead, it will encourage local governments to use funds legally and in effective ways, considering more about potential risks and costs," said Wang.

According to data from the Ministry of Finance, a total of 526.6 billion yuan ($76.7 billion) of special-purpose bonds were issued in August, a surge from 196 billion yuan in July, to mainly support infrastructure investment.

The sharp growth came after the ministry called last month for quicker steps to be taken toward the launch of special-purpose bonds by local governments to stabilize investment, expand domestic demand and strengthen weak areas.

The guidance also requires both central and local governments to actually implement tax cuts measures and forbids any report of exaggerated and fake GDPtargets.

It means the nation's top legislature, the National People's Congress, will review three more budget implementation reports for government-managed funds, State-owned capital and social security funds respectively, said experts.

上一篇:加緊排查貿(mào)易摩擦信貸敞口 中資銀行借機布局
8月9日,為貫徹落實黨中央、國務院關于暢通國民經(jīng)濟循環(huán)和建設現(xiàn)代流通體系的決策部署,推進商貿(mào)物流高質(zhì)量發(fā)展,商務部、發(fā)展改革委、財政部、自然資源部、住房城鄉(xiāng)建設部、交通運輸部、海關總署、市場監(jiān)管總局、郵政局聯(lián)合制定了《商貿(mào)物流高質(zhì)量發(fā)展專項行動計劃(2021-2025年)》?!缎袆佑媱潯分赋?,到2025年,初步建立暢通高效、協(xié)同共享、標準規(guī)范、智能綠色、融合開放的現(xiàn)代商貿(mào)物流體系,培育一批有品牌影響力和國際競爭力的商貿(mào)物流企業(yè),商貿(mào)物流標準化、數(shù)字化、智能化、綠色化水平顯著提高,商貿(mào)物流網(wǎng)絡更加健全,區(qū)域 [詳細]
2021-08-10 14:18:01
王晉斌 :偏弱的美元可能會成為新一屆美國政府的選擇
中國人民大學經(jīng)濟學院黨委常務副書記、國家發(fā)展與戰(zhàn)略研究院研究員王晉斌認為,2021人民幣應該還有一定的升值空間,理由包括疫情期間的高出口,中外利差,美國新一屆政府的弱美元選擇及新一輪財政刺激政策等等。 [詳細]
2020-12-19 09:17:27
半年內(nèi)至少56項政策出臺 推動海南自貿(mào)港建設順利開局
12月1日,距《海南自由貿(mào)易港建設總體方案》對外發(fā)布剛好滿半年。半年來,從中央到海南當?shù)卣阎辽俪雠_了56項相關政策措施,涉及企業(yè)所得稅、“零關稅”、離島免稅購物、人員進出自由便利、人才引進、建設國際教育創(chuàng)新島、跨境資金流動自由便利、交通運輸?shù)鹊取? [詳細]
2020-12-01 14:57:50
工信部等17個部門聯(lián)合推出25條措施 支持中小企業(yè)發(fā)展
保住中小企業(yè),就保住了我國經(jīng)濟的源頭活水。為支持中小企業(yè)發(fā)展,12月1日,17個部門印發(fā)意見,提出完善支持中小企業(yè)發(fā)展的基礎性制度、財稅支持制度、融資促進制度等7方面25條具體措施。 [詳細]
2020-12-01 14:53:01
10月份全國財政收入17531億元 同比增長3%
財政部11月18日發(fā)布的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)顯示, 10月份,全國一般公共預算收入17531億元,同比增長3%??鄢ツ晖谔囟▏薪鹑跈C構和央企上繳利潤等抬高基數(shù)因素后,10月份全國收入增長9%左右,實際增幅比上月繼續(xù)提高,反映了經(jīng)濟運行持續(xù)穩(wěn)步恢復的積極成效。 [詳細]
2020-11-20 09:28:04
10月,社會消費品零售總額同比增長4.3%,較9月加快1個百分點。按消費類型分,10月餐飲收入4372億元,同比增長0.8%,增速年內(nèi)首次轉(zhuǎn)正;商品零售34204億元,增長4.8%,連續(xù)4個月正增長。 [詳細]
2020-11-16 16:40:00
在10月22日舉行的2020金融街論壇年會上,財政部原副部長朱光耀在演講中表示,相信第四季度中國經(jīng)濟增長將保持目前態(tài)勢,恢復到潛在增長率的水平,也就是6%左右,中國2020年經(jīng)濟實際的表現(xiàn)將高于國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)和世界銀行預測。 [詳細]
2020-10-24 09:31:49
近日,財政部、國家稅務總局近日聯(lián)合發(fā)布公告,明確了無償轉(zhuǎn)讓股票等增值稅政策。根據(jù)公告,納稅人無償轉(zhuǎn)讓股票時,轉(zhuǎn)出方以該股票的買入價為賣出價,按照“金融商品轉(zhuǎn)讓”計算繳納增值稅;在轉(zhuǎn)入方將上述股票再轉(zhuǎn)讓時,以原轉(zhuǎn)出方的賣出價為買入價,按照“金融商品轉(zhuǎn)讓”計算繳納增值稅。 [詳細]
2020-10-10 11:13:00
8月,中國經(jīng)濟繼續(xù)呈現(xiàn)恢復態(tài)勢,社會消費品零售總額同比增速更是實現(xiàn)了今年來的首次正增長。國家統(tǒng)計局周二公布的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,1-8月,全國固定資產(chǎn)投資同比下降0.3%,比1-7月回升1.3個百分點。8月,社會消費品零售總額同比增長0.5%,較7月回升1.6個百分點,規(guī)模以上工業(yè)增加值同比增長5.6%,較7月回升0.8個百分點,創(chuàng)今年以來新高。 [詳細]
2020-09-15 17:39:13
8月25日上午,中共中央政治局委員、國務院副總理、中美全面經(jīng)濟對話中方牽頭人劉鶴應約與美國貿(mào)易代表萊特希澤、財政部長姆努欽通話。雙方就加強兩國宏觀經(jīng)濟政策協(xié)調(diào)、中美第一階段經(jīng)貿(mào)協(xié)議落實等問題進行了具有建設性的對話。雙方同意創(chuàng)造條件和氛圍,繼續(xù)推動中美第一階段經(jīng)貿(mào)協(xié)議落實。 [詳細]
2020-08-27 10:44:32
寧德時代計劃在印尼建廠 將投資50億美元
· 第十六屆中國汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展(泰達)國際論壇
· 2018年北京國際車展專題報道
· 2017年上海國際車展專題報道
· 2017中國國際節(jié)能與新能源車展專題報道
· 2016北京國際車展專題報道
· 2016年天津國際客車、公交車及零部件展
· 2015天津國際客車、公交車及維保工具展
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